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Training & Development

As the economy moves to a service oriented mindset, people and capabilities are becoming critical ingredients to the success of businesses. Knowing how to manage people and getting best value out of the organizations human capital potential is one of the critical success factors to any Business.

WOTD’s specialized arms provides high end Training & Development solutions. Our value proposition is more inclusive and extends beyond Training & development into learning systems within an Organization:

To achieve our client’s desired results, WOTD developmental efforts extends beyond the traditional class room approach, we work in partnership with our clients to:

  • Understand business and actual developmental needs

  • Design training and skill developmental initiatives and deliver high impact training interventions

  • Develop and implement powerful reinforcement programs

  • Track and measure continuous improvement  and sustainability of efforts and learning.

The Training pedagogy is constructed on a blend of conceptual and experiential training to ensure that modification of behavior is more permanent. Our follow-up tracker and development diary provides an individual with a better understanding of the competencies one needs to work on.

Sparks of Excellence

To facilitate learning at a localized level, the Development arm provides employees across our client base with incisive tips on improvement in their work sphere. These sparks of excellence, in a limited and localized way contribute to the up-gradation of the company’s skill base.

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